Artist Mentor offers a diverse range of online classes that provide positive, transformative, learning experiences for groups of creatives, supporting artists to establish sustainable creative careers.
The classes listed below (full details towards the bottom of this page) are all delivered online by Ceri Hand, live via Zoom. (Other platforms will be considered if requested).
- How to Develop a Sustainable Creative Career
- Preparing for Studio Visits
- How Commercial Art Galleries Work
- Pricing & Selling Your Artwork
- Marketing for Artists
- Developing Professional Relationships in the Art World
- Writing About Your Art Practice
- Preparing for Exhibitions & Commissions
- Setting Creative Budgets
- Negotiation Skills for Creatives
- Resilience for Creatives
More Details
The classes are 120 minutes duration in total, which consists of a 90-minute lecture, followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.
- At the end of the class all participants are provided with a PDF document of the key slides covered during the session
- The online classes are suitable for groups of all sizes, and the lecture and Q&A session can be scaled according to class requirements
- If classes on other subjects are required, these can be discussed on a case-by-case basis. Please note that costs for bespoke sessions will be calculated following an assessment of the work required to prepare and develop the session
- If you wish to record the class, we kindly request that permission is sought in advance. Costs will be revised in accordance with your planned usage of the recording
Enquiries cost and booking
Our classes are in high demand, so please do get in touch to enquire about availability, cost or booking as soon as possible to ensure we can support your programme.
For all enquiries, please contact Laura Hickman:
Full details of classes
How to Have a Sustainable Creative Career
In this session, we unpack the six key pillars that ensure a thriving creative practice:
Making, Refining, Sharing, Evaluating, Exhibiting, and Selling.
You will learn what it takes to be successful on your own terms, build champions, and earn money from doing what you love.

Preparing for Studio Visits
This session covers:
- Why studio visits are fundamental to a sustainable creative career
- How to invite art world professionals to do a studio visit
- How to prepare your studio
- How to prepare a focused presentation
- How to establish a positive, rewarding experience
- How to follow up the visit

How Commercial Art Galleries Work
This session provides critical insights into how commercial galleries work with contemporary artists, and what’s involved in the sales process, providing an overview of:
- How commercial galleries select & work with artists
- How they build a market for their artists
- The pros and cons of representation for artists
- Consignment of primary & secondary art works
- Maintaining client relationships
Ceri draws on experience of selling artist work to public and private collections, from commercial galleries, art fairs, and public exhibitions.

Pricing & Selling Your Artwork
This session provides an overview of all aspects of selling your work, from painting, drawing, sculpture, and video to performance, including:
- The factors to consider when pricing & editioning artwork
- What collectors require when you make a sale
- How to develop these collector relationships
- Comparative prices for benchmarking
- How to invite and secure sales via your website
- Example sales platforms

Marketing for Artists
This session takes the sting out of marketing, providing some simple, useful tips and tricks to help build connections and an audience for your work and covers:
- How to make your website work harder for you
- How to build your newsletter and email list
- How to use social media to build engagement and sales
- How to generate an income

Developing Professional Relationships in the Art World
You don’t have to wait to meet interesting, inspiring people or for good things to happen in your creative career.
This session provides unpacks the best way how to identify your ideal connections and the etiquette of reaching out to them.
You will learn just how easy it is to build working relationships with galleries, gallerists, curators, collectors, writers, and producers.

Writing About Your Art Practice
You don't have to be an academic or a brilliant writer to share your story and engage people with your work.
Having a succinct Artist Statement helps develop relationships with audiences and attract more opportunities. This session helps you learn:
- How Artist Statements improve your success rates
- How to get in the zone to write one
- What to avoid & what to include
- Inspiration & examples

Preparing for Exhibitions & Commissions
Whether you’ve been invited to participate in a solo or group exhibition, it's vital to give yourself the best possible chance of success.
Join this online seminar led by Ceri Hand to ensure you’ve covered all bases when preparing for an exhibition or commission and ensure you make the most of the opportunity.
All your exhibition related questions answered!
Ceri Hand has curated and produced over 250+ press worthy exhibitions, events, public realm commissions and learning and skills programmes over a thirty-year career in the arts.
It will be a friendly, safe, respectful, informal space with plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions and input and you will receive a takeaway PDF post event.

Setting Creative Budgets
As a creative it’s vital to value your time and knowledge precisely, so that you don’t get left out of pocket when participating in exhibitions, or when you are commissioned to make new work.
Ideally, you would draft a budget in advance of agreeing to your fees or materials with a curator or commissioner, so you know you won't undersell your time, experience, and commitment!
In this workshop Ceri Hand walks you through an expansive exhibition budget template, providing a comprehensive range of factors for you to consider when planning your budget.
It will be a friendly, safe, respectful, informal space with plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions and input and you will receive a takeaway PDF post event.

Negotiation Skills for Creatives
Would you like to feel more confident negotiating at home and at work?
Would you like to negotiate better terms for new commissions, exhibitions, or contracts?
You are not alone!
Negotiating is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and will make an enormous difference to your life. Negotiating well helps you feel in control of your future - in your relationships, friendships, and parenting.
Ceri Hand leads this online seminar and shares some simple tactics, habits, and strategies you can practice making negotiating an enjoyable process, to alleviate stress and help you feel able to take command of your own ship.
This class is designed to empower creative introverts, you will learn how to:
- Prepare to negotiate effectively
- Feel empowered in your negotiations
- Utilise powerful questions in the negotiation process
- Redefine your idea of conflict
- Say no and thrive
With decades of negotiating experience, Ceri Hand will provide you with the skills and tools you need to take the first steps into becoming a confident negotiator.
This online Zoom session will be a friendly, safe, respectful, informal space with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and input and you will receive a takeaway PDF post event.

Resilience for Creatives
Are you finding it harder to deal with setbacks? Do you feel the cruel sting of rejection more keenly than ever?
Are you finding it harder to get back on track after something didn't turn out the way you’d hoped?
We all encounter challenges at various stages of our life and career and inevitably there will be times we feel floored and knocked off course.
Having some resilience tools in your skills kit bag will help you to deal more effectively with any of the curveballs that life throws your way.
Join Ceri Hand to learn some habits, tools, and strategies to practice becoming a resilient ninja.
It will be a friendly, safe, respectful, informal space with plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions and input and you will receive a takeaway PDF post event.