

About Coaching

A great Coach can help you make significant positive change in your work and home life, enhancing your performance and ability to deliver personal and business objectives.

Working with an experienced Coach unlocks your potential, builds self-awareness, improves your effectiveness, and empowers you to make informed choices about your future. Coaching is a fantastic developmental approach to strengthening your ability to empathise, work and interact with other people.

Together we assess your current situation and challenges, identify limiting beliefs, interrogate, and address perceived obstacles.

We create a safe thinking environment, ask incisive questions, draw on industry tools and exercises to clarify strengths, values, and goals, and devise a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes.

We nurture creative strategies based on what fits best with your goals, personality and vision and foster accountability to increase productivity.

Working with a Coach

Watch and listen to Ceri Hand explain how working with a great coach can help bring about transformative, positive, significant change, and help you reach your goals more quickly.

[The video will open in a pop-up window]

Coaching partnerships are usually more short term than mentoring relationships, as they are usually objective driven and more structured.

Instead of advising and guiding, coaching draws out your skills and knowledge, training and upskilling to help you develop a winning mindset.

Coaching is often used for the development of leadership skills, training you in the art of questioning to equip you to manage others better or identifying limiting beliefs in yourself.

The relationship between a client and their coach is more like a creative partnership than a one-way street.

Ceri Hand has conducted hundreds of hours coaching with creative professionals. She is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), committed to best practice and CPD.

She is currently completing a PG Diploma Certificate in Business and Personal Coaching, approved by the University of Chester, and accredited by the ICF (internationally recognised as a hallmark of quality).

The course is also approved by the Ministry of Defence’s Enhanced Learning Scheme and endorsed by the National Council of Psychotherapists, and combines psychological depth, academic rigour, and a highly practical focus.

One to One Executive Coaching

We provide executive coaching services to established professionals.

Being a senior leader or entrepreneur in the arts can be a challenging and lonely place to be.

The day to day issues of prospecting for business, delivering content, engaging audiences, generating income, managing personnel issues and competing needs of the public and private sector means we often can’t see the wood from the trees.

With these pressures, we sometimes lose sight of our core values, and the special sauce we bring to the table. We can forget what impact we want to have and may feel in need of recalibration. We may need to talk through a period of organisational change or have an issue that is impossible to discuss with our boss or colleagues.

Having an external sounding board, who can help reflect and reveal our own values and perspectives, and untangle an unhelpful inner dialogue can help us get to the heart of the matter more quickly.

If you would like to unlock your potential, have more impact with your ideas and work, enable a better flow of communication with your staff, clients, colleagues or team, executive coaching will help you gain clarity and influence.

Coaching sessions can aid you through one particular challenge or help you through a longer period of transition in your career or in your life.

Challenges you may benefit from coaching support might include:

  • increasing income generation
  • leading and navigating organisational change
  • identifying and articulating strengths and areas
  • making a career change
  • success with job applications and interviews
  • HR and personnel issues
  • managing staff and teams
  • managing your time, workload and identifying your priorities
  • pitching ideas

Coaching is currently conducted 1:1 online or via phone, allowing us to work with you wherever you are.

Executive coaching programme
We work with clients over an initial period of 6 hours, which can be scheduled over weeks or months, according to your needs and challenges.

This time enables us to establish trust and enable sustainable deep change.

We provide a range of exercises, tools and resources to help you reach your goals.

As a guide, individual coaching packages start at £150 per hour, so please budget for a minimum of 6 x 1 hour sessions. 

Bespoke packages can be tailored to your needs and requirements.

Register here

Please register your interest in Coaching sessions and we will get back to you within 10 days. Thank you.

Preparing for a session checklist:

  • Coaching sessions are conducted using any of the popular online video conferencing services such as Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or FaceTime, cost effective and the best approach in the current climate. Please share your preferred communication platform and provide your contact details in advance.
  • Consider and summarise the top 3-5 challenges you want to address
  • Share your most up to date CV and summary biog in advance
  • Select and share any information you want to refer to during the session in advance
  • Be ready to talk openly and honestly through your current challenges, any approaches you have already tried, and any barriers to success 
  • Consider what success would look like? Where do you want to be and what do you want to do?
  • Do take notes, but don’t let note-taking prevent you from listening attentively and engaging in conversation
  • Make yourself comfortable and prepare the setting so that only what you want the mentor to see is visible; you may have some work displayed, or choose a corner of your home or studio that reflects you, your work and processes
  • Make sure you have selected time where you won’t be interrupted or distracted (phone, emails, doorbell, children, pets etc.)
  • Have drinks or snacks ready and make sure comfort breaks are conducted in advance wherever possible!

How do coaching sessions begin?

Your session will begin with a brief overview and discussion about the coaching progress, followed by an invitation to:

  • Introduce yourself and summarise your work and career path to date
  • Summarise your key challenges
  • Provide examples of work or experiences that illustrate your points and challenges

We will address your specific challenges, discussing your drivers, motivations and inspiration for your work. We will listen to you talk through your ideas and processes, how you have promoted yourself to date and help unpack any particular problems you want confidential support with.

The work examples and illustrations you mention, combined with the way you speak about them and your challenges will provide a holistic picture, and from this we can assess the best short, medium and long term goals and action plan.

During the session we will offer some key thoughts, reflections and observations that will hopefully shed light on the issues and areas you have raised.

What will we achieve by the end of the session and what happens next?

By the end of the session we will agree an action plan of some manageable tasks and goals to implement and practice, taking your ambitions and existing resources into account.

We will agree an ideal time-frame within which to try these new approaches that suits your schedule.

Register here

Please register your interest in Coaching sessions and we will get back to you within 10 days. Thank you.


We've changed our name to CERI HAND and have a new website here